Our Modules

Study Skills Strategies to Teach your Learners

Covers key aspects of teaching study skills strategies and dictionary skills, and deals with different techniques of note taking and note making.

Critical Thinking and Strategies for Enhancement

Covers keys aspects of critical thinking and strategies for their enhancement, and deals with in-depth analysis of HOTS and self-reflexive questions.

Encouraging Students to Speak in the Classroom

Covers key aspects of teaching speaking strategies and oral production in the classroom, and deals with various kinds of speaking acts and activities.

Phonemic Awareness and Teaching Phonics

Covers key aspects of developing phonemic and phonological awareness, and deals with the basic concepts of phonics and syllables, ear sensitization and training.

Techniques of Mind Mapping

Covers keys aspects of mind maps, illustrating the components and benefits, and deals with hands-on tutorial of mind-mapping techniques.

Multiple Intelligences and their Role in the Classrooms

Covers key aspects of multiple intelligences, highlighting their role in the classroom, and deals with MI techniques, materials and use across curriculum.

Three Dimensions of Vocabulary Teaching-Learning

Covers key aspects of form, meaning and use in vocabulary, and deals with various strategies for presenting vocabulary.

Learning History through Images

Covers key aspects of developing thinking skills in history classrooms using visual sources, and deals with interpretation and analysis of information through inferences and deductions based on reason and evidence.

Developing a Sense of Chronology

Covers key concepts of chronology, and deals with strategies to help students connect an event in history with its wider implications.

Inquiry-based Learning in the Science Classroom

Focuses on inquiry oriented science classrooms to encourage students to challenge existing facts, and search for answers based on evidence.

21st Century Skills

Focuses on teaching strategies to equip students to be a part of the emergent twenty-first century workforce, and defines the skill sets needed to become responsible and productive members of society.

Problem-based Learning in the Science Classroom

Provides strategies to bridge the gap between theory and practice in science classrooms, and ensures active participation of students through real-life examples.

Developing Gender Sensitivity and Equality in the Classroom

Covers key concepts of gender sensitization in classrooms, and deals with teaching learning components within the school curriculum.

Teaching History through Role Play

Covers key aspects of role play as a tool to develop verbal, bodily kinaesthetic and musical intelligence among students in history classrooms.

Building Blocks for Expository Writing

The module defines expository texts and multiple structural frameworks, and shows how to use them as per the requirement.

Ways to Develop Effective Reading Skills

The training module introduces techniques for reading various texts and how learners may be taught different strategies to improve speed retention.

Elicitation in the Classroom

The module covers key aspects of elicitation to draw out information from learners, and introduces techniques to develop learner knowledge, diagnose learner problem, and plan future lessons.

Developing Effective Critical Listening Skills in Learners

The module covers key aspects of listening, and dealt with classroom strategies and sample activities to help develop this skill among learners.

Developing Map Skills

To read a map is a skill that must be learnt. The module demonstrates appropriate tasks that help in developing map skills and help students overcome specific difficulties or misconceptions connected to map reading.

Use of Tangrams in Illustrating Stories and Children's Literature

The module covers key aspects that allow students to explore various approaches to learn about patterns and shapes.

Integrating a Music-based Approach to Teaching Fractions

The module helps teachers enable students to identify patterns in music and apply it to mathematics for solving fractions.